About us
Clinical and Therapeutic Care:
We help customers find the source of any discomfort. We evaluate your case and offer you a therapeutic relief. Then we can give continuity and therapeutic advice to any specialty after evaluation. We focus on the customer. With us we avoid long waits, we obtain quick diagnoses; prices are affordable and benefits are immediate.
These quantum therapies interactively rebalance energies and enable the regenerative capacity of the body and brain, allowing for a better overall well-being and a consequent improvement in health. Meta-medicine is the health system that focuses on the individual and their energy balance, allowing effective prevention of physical illness. We use sensory stimulation therapies through sight, smell, hearing, touch and light (frequencies) focusing on the Chakras in disability.
All the treatments and therapies offered helped him lead to a better energy balance. We performed a prior diagnostic method focused on the problems and their origin. This procedure allows us to achieve better therapeutic results, both physically and energetically, leading to the guaranteed satisfaction of our clients.
Julian Henry Alexander Ansley
Columbia University,
Hartford University,
Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada,
Ellis College -N.Y Institute of Technology
Estudos: U.S.A, França, Portugal
Bio-Energetic Therapies
Internal Medicine System
Kung Fu,
Tai Chi.
Chi Kung.
Studies: U.S.A, China\Hong Kong
Crystals Therapies
Studies: Brasil, Suiça, USA, England
Bio-feedback, Neuro-feedback Therapies
EEG Bio- Feedback Theory+Practice
(Associatio for Applicied Psychophysiology
and Biofeedback of Czech Republic)
QEEG and Neurofeeadback Theory+Practice
(professor Josef Faber)
Chief Neorology Departament Medical School Hospital
Charles University Prague.
Clinical Experience
C.R.C - Central Remedial Clinic Dublin, Ireland
- Assistant in educational and operational activities;
- Patient / family relationships;
- Implementation of a self-instructional therapeutic program;
- Development of reports demonstrating the effectiveness of the implemented therapies.
Complementary Training
Quiron - Portuguese Center for Astrology
Parsons School of Design (N.Y) (Color Theory)
Health and balance is our motto